1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
'1 초 수묵' - 들풀
Stokes(duration: 1sec.)-wild herbs
Bonsan Art center, Daegu, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
'1초 수묵’의 사건
불교에서 1찰나는 75분의 1초에 해당한다. 모든 것이 1찰나마다 생겼다 멸하고, 멸했다 생기면서 계속되어 나간다고 가르치는데, 1초는 그 생명의 찰나를 지속하는 생의 시간을 나누어 인식 가능한 최소 단의로 구분한 개념이다. 작가 임현락은 이 1초라는 시간과 생의 본질로서 호흡을 수묵의 정신과 연결시켜 생명 에너지의 절박함과 긴박함을 제시한다. 동양회화의 본령은 수묵일 것이고 그 중심은 획이다. 획의 성격은 ‘일필휘지’의 순간성과 한 호흡에 관련된다. 작가는 획이 내포한 순간성에 주목하고 획과 획을 긋는 작가가 한 호흡이 되는 상태를 추구한다. 그리고 이러한 한 호흡의 상태를 ‘1초’로 임의 정의한다. 1획과 작가가 일체화되는 경험은 수묵화에서 물리적 정신적 밀도를 집중시키는 긴장 상태일 것이다. 이 경우에 일획이 들풀의 사의를 담는다면, 작가가 일획으로 호흡하는 그 1초의 긴장 상태에 들풀은 작가와 한 몸이 되어 수묵으로 다시 탄생하는 것이다.
-정종구/대구미술관 큐레이터
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
The event of One-second Ink Painting
In Buddhism, an instant or charna (刹那) refers to a measure of time, equal to one seventy-fifth of a second (about 0.013 second). Buddhism teaches us that all continues in the cycles of creation and extinction for every charna. One second is the perceptible smallest unit of life time in repetitions of creation and extinction. Artist Lim Hyun-Lak presents the imminence and urgency of life energy by relating the time of one second and breath as the nature of life to the spirit of ink wash painting. The fundamental element of Oriental painting is ink and its core is the stroke. The character of a stroke is associated with a moment or a breath. Lim takes note of the moment of a stroke, seeking to become one with the stroke. He also arbitrarily defines the state of one breath as “one second.” His experience of becoming one with the stroke is perhaps a state of tension concentrating on physical, spiritual density in ink wash painting. He bears the meaning of a wild plant with one stroke. The wild plant becomes one with the artist and is reborn into an ink wash painting in the tense state of one second. The artist accounts for this event as the “grain of life” and his “agreement” with the wild plant.
- Jung Jong-gu (Curator of Daegu Art Museum)
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs,Ink & mixed media on PET, per 70x52cm, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs,Ink & mixed media on PET, 70x52cm, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
1 초 수묵 - '들풀' / Strokes(duration: 1 sec.)- wild herbs, Installation view, Ink & mixed media on PET,Bonsan Art center, 2011
© 2022 by Lim Hyun Lak