Lim, Hyun Lak (1963-)
1987 Graduated from Collage of Fine Arts Seoul National University, Rep. of Korea (B.F.A)
1994 Graduated from Graduated School of Fine Arts Seoul National University, Rep. of Korea (M.F.A)
Solo Exhibitions
2021 Gallery Bundo, Daegu / ‘Breathing, the meaning of a second’
2021 Osan Museum of Art, Osan / One second ink painting-‘Soar into the space’
2017 Gallery Aso, Daegu / ‘The moment’
2015 Gallery Bundo, Daegu / One second ink painting-‘Stay in a moment’
2014 Gallery Aso, Daegu / Breath - ‘1 second’
2013 Art Factory Seoul, Seoul / ‘A stroke, duration: 1 second’
2011 Bonsan Art Center, Daegu / ‘One second ink painting - Wild herb’
2010 Lexus Galley, Daegu / ‘Wild herb’
2007 Gallery Bundo, Daegu / ‘The wind is rising’
2003 Gallery Hyundai Window Gallery, Seoul / ‘Standing trees’
2003 Gallery of Changdong Art Studio, Seoul / ‘Standing trees’
2002 Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul / ‘Standing trees’
2002 Gallery Wooduk, Seoul / ‘Draw a tree, erase, seep...’
2001 Gallery Artside, Seoul / ‘Pine trees, winds, reeds’
1999 Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
1998 Arko Art Center, Seoul / ‘Lie in the woods’
1996 Gallery Boda, Seoul
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 'Beyond the Limits' (Daegu Art Factory, Daegu)
2021 ‘Everything becomes new’ - an Exhibition on the Exchange of Korean & Chinese Ink Painting (Korean Cultural Center in China, Beijing)
2019 ‘One Breath, Infinite Vision’ - an Exhibition of Korean Ink Art (INK Studio, Beijing)
2019 ‘Hanguk-Hwa, mindful Landscape’ (Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon)
2019 ‘One Breath, Infinite Vision’ - an Exhibition of Korean Ink Art (Korean Cultural Center NY, New York)
2019 ‘Between’ (Shinsegae gallery, Daegu)
2018 Jeonnam International SUMUK Biennale (Mokpo Culture&Arts Center, Mokpo)
2017 A Report Exhibition-‘DNA of Coreanity ’ (Wooyang Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyeongju)
2017 Jeonnam International SUMUK Pre-Biennale (Mokpo Culture&Arts Center, Mokpo)
2017 ‘Namsan mountain in Gyeongju - Repository of Silla’ (Shinsegae gallery, Daegu)
2016 ‘DNA of Coreanity ’ (Millad Tower, Teheran)
2016 ‘Made in Korea’ (Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris)
2016 Art Road 77-‘A Trip of 52 Contemporary Artists to Paintings’ (Art Factory, Paju)
2015 ‘Visions of Macro and Micro’ : Phenomena in Korean and Taiwanese Ink Paintings (Museum of Art Seoul National University, Seoul)
2015 Art Busan / International Art Fair 2015 (Space AKKA/BEXCO, Busan)
2015 ‘Jump into the Unknown’ - Collateral Event for the 56th International Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale (Palazzo Loredan dell’Ambasciatore, Venice)
2014 ‘Seeing & Beeing’ (Space k, Daegu)
2014 KIAF (Art Factory/COEX, Seoul)
2014 Asian & Afrian & Mediterranean International Modern Art Exhibition(Luo Qi Museum of International Modern Art, Hangzhou)
2014 ‘Ashamed and a crowd of people in a beautiful house’ (Gansong Foundation of Culture / Ara Art Center, Seoul)
2014 ‘After the Brush Strokes & Sumuk’ (Chosun Ilbo Art Museum, Seoul)
2013 ‘Body, being here’ (Daegu Art Museum, Daegu)
2013 Daegu Art Fair 2013 (Art Factory/EXCO, Daegu, Korea)
2012 ‘Riverside Rhapsody’-The 1st Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival (Gangjeongbo, Daegu)
2012 ‘Sky of Winnan, Wind of Daegu’ (Yuan Xiao Cen Art Museum, Kunming)
2012 ‘A spring breeze from Nagasaki’ (Kyungpook National University Museum of Art, Daegu)
2011 Capturing Contemporary Art (Esya Gallery, Daegu)
2010 Art Road 77-‘The Discovery of the 11 Artists’ (Art Factory etc. Paju)
2010 Daegu Art Fair 2010 (Art Factory/Gallery Bundo, EXCO, Daegu)
2009 ‘Wonderful Pictures’ (Il-min Museum of Art, Seoul)
2009 Public Art 2009-‘Running city’ (Daegu City)
2009 ‘Contemporary Transformation in Korean Painting’ (Seoul Arts Center, Seoul)
2009 ‘Similarity & Non Similarity ’ (Brick Hall, Nagasaki, Japan)
2008 ‘Tea Music, DAAK’-Drawing Perfomance & Installation (Korean Cultural Center UK Opening Ceremony/Korean Cultural Center, London)
2008 ‘The Painters of East Asia’ (Korean Cultural Center, Sanghai)
2008 ‘Uprising of the Images’-Art in Daegu 2008 (KT&G, Daegu)
2008 ‘Hangul come into bloom’ (The National Institute of Korean Language, Seoul)
2008 Korea & middle East Forum-A Special Exhibition 'The Beauty of Korea’(Cairo Opera House, Cairo)
2007 ‘The wind of a basin’-Art in Daegu 2007 (Jung-gu downtown, Daegu)
2007 ‘The wind is rising’ : Multi-performance Project of Art (Theater Bundo, Daegu)
2006 Art Rotterdam 2006 (Canvas International Art, Rotterdam)
2006 ‘Aestheticism & Communication’ (Kyungpook National University Museum of Art, Daegu)
2006 ‘A breath of nature, A song of life’-Ink Painting of 4 Artists (Gallery Bundo, Daegu)
2006 ‘Sounding around the 38N’-Contemporary Art from North and South Korea (Canvas International Art, Amsterdam)
2006 Installation of Multi-performance:Tea Music/‘Da-ak’
(CINARS 2006-Monument National/Montreal, French Institute Alliance Francais Florence Gould Hall/New York, Seonjae Art Center/Seoul, etc.)
2005 ‘A Parallel History’ (Cyan Museum of Art, Yeongcheon)
2005 ‘The Tea Music/DAAK’ - Performing Art Market in Seoul (The National Theater of Korea, Seoul)
2004 ‘Chuimsae’ (The Project of National Museum of Contemporary Art of Korea / Sori Art Center, Jeonju)
2004 ‘The Spirit of Korean’ (Art Park, Seoul, Korea)
2003 ‘Aesthetics of Deviation-A Brush Stroke’ (Kongpyung Art Center, Seoul)
2003 Inaugural Exhibition of Changdong Art Studio (Changdong Art Studio, Seoul)
2002 ‘New Millennium of Korean Painting’ (Kongpyung Art Center, Seoul)
2002 The 5th Anniversary Exhibition of Gallery Wooduk (Gallery Wooduk, Seoul)
2002 ‘From Korea to Japan’ (Chuwa Gallery, Tokyo)
2001 The Exhibition of Korean Painting - ‘Hangukhwahwe’ (Seoul Metropolitan Museum of Art, Seoul)
2000 Korean Ink Painting, The Present of the New Millennium (Seoul Metropolitan Museum of Art, Seoul)
1999 NICAF TOKYO-Korea Festival : ‘Special Exhibition of 9 Artists’ (Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo)
1999 Seoul International Art Fair (Art Center of the Korean Culture & Arts Foundation, Seoul)
1999 ‘Korean Painting, the Past and the Present’ (Hanguk Art Museum, Yeongin)
1999 ‘A Stroke-Undaunted and Unreserved Expression’ (Kongpyung Art Center, Seoul)
1998 Busan International Contemporary Art Festival(PICAF)-‘Exhibition of Korean Contemporary Art’ (Busan Metropolitan Museum of Art, Busan) etc.
Selected Awards
1993 The 16th Joongang Grand Art Exhibition ‘The Grand Prize' (The Joongang Newspaper co.)
1999 Selected an Excellent Artist Competition for Globalism
(The Galleries Association of Korea & Ministry of Culture & Tourism, Rep. of Korea)
Artist Residence
2002 Changdong Art Studio (Ministry of Culture & Tourism, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Rep. of Korea)
Public Collections
- Korea JoongAng Daily co./ Samsung Foundation of Culture, Seoul
- National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea / Art Bank
- Daegu Art museum, Daegu
- Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul
- Korea Development Bank, Seoul
- Hotel Paradise City, Incheon
- Korea Yakult, Seoul
- Wonam Foundation of Culture, Seoul
- The National Institute of Korean Language, Seoul
- Kyungpook National University Museum of Art, Daegu
- Daegu City, Daegu
- The Ritz-Carlton Xi´an, Xi´an. etc.
2005- Professor of Kyungpook National University (Department of Fine Arts), Daegu, Rep. of Korea
임 현 락 (1963-)
1987 서울대학교 미술대학 동양화과 졸업 (B.F.A)
1994 서울대학교 대학원 동양화과 졸업 (M.F.A)
2021 갤러리분도, 대구 / ‘호흡, 1 초라는 시간의 의미’
2021 오산시립미술관, 오산 / 1 초 수묵-‘백(白)으로 날다’
2017 갤러리아소, 대구 / ‘The Moment,’
2015 갤러리분도, 대구 / 1 초 수묵-‘찰나에 머물다’
2014 갤러리아소, 대구 / 호흡-‘1 초’
2013 아트팩토리 서울, 서울 / ‘1 초 수묵’
2011 봉산아트센터, 대구 / ‘1 초 수묵’-들풀
2010 렉서스갤러리, 대구 / ‘들풀’
2007 갤러리분도, 대구 / ‘바람이 일다’
2003 창동미술스튜디오, 서울 / ‘나무들 서다’
2003 갤러리 현대 윈도우갤러리, 서울 / ‘나무들 서다‘
2002 금호미술관, 서울 / ‘나무들 서다’
2002 갤러리우덕, 서울 / ‘나무를 긋다, 지우다, 스미다…’
2001 갤러리아트사이드, 서울 / ‘솔, 바람, 갈대’
1999 예술의 전당 한가람미술관, 서울
1998 아르코미술관, 서울 / ‘숲에 눕다’
1996 갤러리보다, 서울
주요 전시
2022 'Beyond the Limits'(대구예술발전소, 대구)
2021 한중수묵교류전-‘万象更新’ (주중한국문화원, 베이징)
2019 ‘一息千面’-한국 현대 수묵 (INK Studio, 베이징)
2019 ‘한국화, 신-와유기’ (대전시립미술관, 대전)
2019 ‘One Breath- Infinite Vision’-한국 현대 수묵 (뉴욕한국문화원, 뉴욕)
2019 ‘사이’-2인전 (대구신세계갤러리, 대구)
2018 전남수묵비엔날레 (목포문화예술회관, 목포)
2017 전남 국제 수묵 프레-비엔날레 (목포문화예술회관, 목포)
2017 귀국 보고전-‘DNA of Coreanity’ (우양미술관, 경주)
2017 ‘경주 남산-신라의 보고’ (신세계갤러리, 대구)
2016 ‘DNA of Coreanity’ (Millad Tower, 테헤란)
2016 ‘Made in Korea’ (파리국제예술공동체 갤러리전관, 파리)
2016 Art Road 77-‘현대미술 52인의 화첩기행’ (아트팩토리, 파주)
2015 ‘거시와 미시’-한국·대만 수묵화의 현상들 (서울대학교미술관 Moa, 서울)
2015 Art Busan (Space AKKA/BEXCO, 부산)
2015 제 56회 베니스비엔날레 병행전-‘Jump into the unkown’ (PalazzoLoredandell’Ambasciatore, 베니스)
2014 ‘Seeing & Beeing’ 2인전 (스페이스 k, 대구)
2014 한국국제아트페어/KIAF(아트팩토리/COEX, 서울)
2014 Asian & Afrian & Mediterranean International Modern Art Exhibition (Luo Qi Museum of International Modern Art, 항저우)
2014 ‘아름다운 집에 모인 부끄러운 사람들’, 아라아트센터, 서울
2014 한국화회전-‘유필유묵 그 이후’, 조선일보미술관, 서울
2013 ‘몸의 현재’전 (대구미술관, 대구)
2013 대구아트페어 (아트팩토리, EXCO, 대구)
2012 ‘강변랩소디’-제 1회 강정대구현대미술제 (강정보, 대구)
2012 ‘윈난의 하늘, 대구의 바람’ (Yuan Xiao Cen Art museum, 쿤밍)
2012 ‘춘풍-나가사키로부터’ (경북대미술관, 대구)
2011 Capturing Contemporary Art (이시아갤러리, 대구)
2011 ‘通’ (동화사 성보박물관, 대구)
2010 아트로드77 ‘11인의 발견’ (아트팩토리 등, 파주 헤이리)
2010 대구아트페어 (아트팩토리/갤러리 분도, EXCO, 대구)
2009 ‘원더풀 픽쳐스’ (일민미술관, 서울)
2009 퍼블릭 아트 2009-Running City (중구 도심, 대구)
2009 한국화의 현대적 변용 2009 (예술의 전당 한가람미술관, 서울)
2009 ‘Similarity & Non Siimilarity’ (Brick hall, 나가사키)
2008 ‘다악’-설치미술, 드로잉퍼포먼스 (주영한국문화원개원기념/주영한국문화원, 런던)
2008 동아시아작가초대전 (대한민국 상해영사관, 상하이)
2008 아트인 대구 2008-‘이미지의 반란’ (KT&G, 대구)
2008 ‘한글 피어나다’전 (국립국어원, 서울)
2008 한국·중동포럼-'한국의 미' 특별전 (카이로 오페라하우스, 카이로)
2007 ART ROTTERDAM 2007 (Canvas International Art, 로테르담)
2007 아트 인 대구-‘분지의 바람’ (대구광역시 중구)
2007 ‘바람이 일다’-복합예술 프로젝트 (떼아뜨르 분도, 대구)
2006 ‘다악’-설치미술(CINARS2006-Monument National/몬트리올, 프랑스문화원/뉴욕, 선재아트센터/서울)
2006 ‘Sounding around 38N’-한국·북한의 현대미술 (Canvas International Art, 암스테 르담)
2006 ‘자연의 숨결, 생명을 노래함’ (갤러리분도, 대구)
2006 ‘Aestheicism & Communication’ (경북대학교미술관, 대구)
2005 ‘A Parallel History’ (시안미술관, 영천)
2004 ‘추임새’ (국립현대미술관 기획/한국소리문화의 전당, 전주)
2004 ‘한국의 정신’ (아트파크, 서울)
2003 ‘일탈의 미학-붓길’ (공평아트센타, 서울)
2002 창동미술스튜디오 개관기념전 (창동미술스튜디오, 서울)
2002 ‘동양화 새천년’ (공평아트센타, 서울)
2002 개관 5주년 기념전 (갤러리 우덕, 서울)
2002 From Korea to Japan (중화갤러리, 도쿄)
2001 한국화회전 (서울시립미술관, 서울)
2001 회화정신전 (마이아트갤러리, 서울)
2000 ‘수묵화-새 천년의 오늘’전 (서울시립미술관, 서울)
1999 NICAF, 한국우수작가 9인 특별전 (Tokyo International Forum,도쿄)
1999 서울국제아트페어-‘신진작가 11인 특별전’ (예술의 전당 미술관, 서울)
1999 ‘한국화 어제와 오늘’전 (한국미술관, 용인)
1998 부산국제아트페스티발(PICAF)-‘한국 현대미술전’ (부산시립미술관, 부산)
기타 200 여회 국내외 단체 및 초대전
1993 제16회 중앙미술대전 회화부문 ‘최우수상’ (중앙일보사)
1999 국제화 지원 ‘우수작가 11인’ 선정 (한국화랑협회 & 문화관광부)
레지던시 프로그램
2002 창동미술스튜디오 1기 입주작가 (국립현대미술관 & 문화관광부)
공공 소장처
- 중앙일보사/삼성문화재단
- 국립현대미술관 미술은행
- 대구미술관
- 금호미술관
- 한국산업은행본점
- 영종도 파라다이스시티
- 한국야쿠르트 우덕문화원
- 경북대미술관
- 국립국어원
- 대구광역시 중구
- 원암문화재단
- 리츠칼튼호텔. 등
국립 경북대학교 예술대학 미술학과 한국화전공 교수