호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET, Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
몸의 현재 Body beeing here
Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, 2013
그의 작업 〈들풀〉시리즈는 살아있는 생명력을 자연스러운 필치로 그려내며 여백의 미를 입체적인 설치작업으로 표현하였다. 수묵으로 표현한 들풀은 2차원의 평면성을 3차원으로 확장하여 한국화의 실험성과 현대성을 몸과 정신적 관계 속에서 보여준다. 작가는 혼신의 힘으로 1초 1필의 순간에 한 호흡으로 길어낸 일초수묵을 통해 시간과 행위의 개념화, 몸과 정신을 연결하는 지각의 장이자 행위적 실천의 울림을 전한다. 그것은 이미 마음이 행위와 통했던 지각의 현현(顯現)일 것이다. 작가의 일초수묵은 몸과 정신, 안과 밖, 빛과 그림자, 너와 내가 만나 순간의 행위과정이 일구어낸 하나의 공감각적 장이다. ‘운필에 작용하는 호흡은 곧 신체성’임을 밝히는 작가는 〈나무들 서다〉나 〈1초 수묵〉이라는 근작들에 대해서 그것은 나무 혹은 들풀의 형상이 아니라 작가의 행위가 갖는 생명력을 들풀이나 나무의 생명력과 하나의 호흡을 통해 일체감을 표현한 것이라고 한다.
-김옥렬/ 전시 기획
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET, Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET, Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
Lim, who has the background in Korean traditional painting, performs his "Il-cho Soomuk (One-second Indian Ink piece)". Meanwhile, the delicate single-stroke painting Of his "Wild Herb" series sublimely and naturally promotes the beauty of space, in the form of installation. The latter work in the abovementioned scuttled space (9x9x6.6m), individually worked in ink painting fashion, expands bi-dimensionality into a multiple dimension, thereby into a modernity and experimental possibilities of Korean painting, in the body-mind relationship. One second of pure concentrated stroke is fully sublimated into the temporal unite of breath. This is a way of conceptualizing actio-temporality which takes to the resonance of act, to the field of perception that connects our body to the mind. The epiphany of perception is always already conducted through the mind. "Il-cho Soomook" is a product of infinitely short instantaneous gesture in a shared field of sensibility where 'you' and 'I' encounter. 'The single breath acting upon the gestural stroke qua body's physicality' being the artist's aesthetic stance, his works <Trees stand (Namudeul Seoda)> and <Il-cho Soomook> take the vitality of wil flora to a simple act of respiration in a sense of unity. The artist adds: "the ultimate point of this work is to expand the boundaries of installation not only towards exhibition space but also urban areas, theatrical stage, as a part of the endeavour to breath and plant refined traditional artistry. Breath is life. "One desirable effect of this exhibition would be the spiritual cure of the audience.
-Kim Ok-real / Independent curator
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET, Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET, Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
나는 다시 임현락의 에너지 넘치는 몸의 움직임과 힘차고 유연한 〈나무들 서다〉와 〈1초수묵〉의 선들을 떠올린다. 들풀이나 나무같이 바람을 타고 물을 머금으며 자라는 선은 곧 획이며, 작가의 몸과 함께 무수한 생명들의 자람이 반복되는 ‘현재’를 상기시키는 것이다. 작가는 평면적인 전통 수묵회화에서 먹 선과 획들을 아예 공간 속으로 이동시켜, 너울거리는 그들 사이를 우리의 몸이 지나는 동안 ‘몸의 현재’를 지각하게 한다. 그 마당에서는 확정된 어떤 것도 없다. 획을 긋는 몸의 움직임도, 그어진 획들의 모습이나 조합도, 우리의 공간적 이동도, 스쳐 지나가거나 멈추어 서서 획들과 만나는 순간도 모두 불확정적으로 열려 있다.
-김미경/ 미술사, 대구미술관 기획전〈몸의 현재〉서문에서 발췌 (2013년)
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET, Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
'Standing Trees' and 'One-sceond ink Painting' show lively gestures and fluid vitality of the artist. As do wild grass and trees, what glows with wind and water is the stroke, which is to be recognised here as unary trait representing the 'here and now' of all growing things along with the body of the artist himself. He transfers the ink strokes from Korean traditional painting, notably from its event flatness. to the space of encounter itself, as spectators pass through and feel the body, the being-here. The movement marked by the stroke, there form and combinations. our movement between them, the point of encounter all remain intact, but indeterminate.
-Kim Mi-kyung / Ph. D History of Art
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET, Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET,
Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET, Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
호흡-'1 초' / Breath-'1 second', Ink & mixed media on PET, Dimension variable(196 pieces), Daegu Art Museum, 2013
© 2022 by Lim Hyun Lak