‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012
‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’
‘A stroke flows into the river’
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, Daegu (2012)

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012
이 프로젝트에 대한 제의를 받고 나는 몇 번을 현장에 다녀왔다. 그러나 자연이라는 광활한 공간, 더욱이 4대강 사업의 마무리 공사가 부산하게 진행되던 무렵의 그 곳은 내게 아무런 영감도 주지 못했다. 태풍이 지나가고 강물이 어느 정도 빠져나간 뒤, 비로소 이 작업을 설치할 장소를 찾아낼 수 있었다. 마치 카누의 뱃머리처럼 뾰족하게 생긴 긴 섬의 끝... 여기서 나는 옛 강정의 아름다운 풍경을 바라보았다.
가을 강변의 말라비틀어진 풀밭에서 강물의 표면까지 길게 하얀 천을 펼쳐서 드리운다. 신발을 벗고 맨발로 그 위를 걸어 본다. 천의 부드러운 촉감과 그 아래 마른 풀들의 바삭거리는 감촉과 소리들, 그리고 아직 남아 있는 축축한 물의 기운이 내 몸 속으로 차례로 들어온다.
먹물에 담궈 둔 직접 만든 큰 붓을 집어 들었다. 먹물이 ‘후두둑’ 떨어진다. 호흡을 가다듬고 몸의 리듬을 조율하며 선을 그어간다. 붓길이 만들어진다. 한 반 쯤 갔을까? 이 행위 자체가 왠지 내 인생 같다는 생각이 든다. 문득, 지나간 붓질의 흔적을 보니 꾸불꾸불한 모양새다. "이제부턴 펴면서 나아가야겠다. 더 집중해서 힘이 있게..."
어느새 강물이 보인다. 인생이라는 여정의 끝인가. 땅과 강이 만나는 지점, ‘훠이~.’ 강물을 향해 남은 힘을 모아 힘차게 마지막 붓질을 던진다. 물 속에 드리워진 천 위로 그어진 붓길은 물결을 따라서 번지며 흩어진다. 육체를 막 떠나가는 영혼의 모습처럼 이 아름다운 번짐의 광경은 강과 함께 어우러져 한동안 머물렀다가 이윽고 무심한 강물의 흐름에 섞이면서 서서히 사라져간다.
생성과 소멸, 그리고 만남이라는 생명, 그 순환의 현장이랄까...
-2012년 10월 5일 오후 3시에 펼친 퍼포먼스 설치 ‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’에 대하여. 임현락

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river,
Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012

‘붓길, 강이 되어 흐르다’/'A stroke flows into the river',
Performance & Installation, Ink on cotton, 100m, Riverside of Nakdong river, Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, 2012
I visited the site of exhibition after I got an offer to join a project in Gangjeong. However, I couldn’t get any inspiration from the sublime nature of Gangjeong where the construction of the President Lee’s four-river project was progressed. I was able to find a spot to install my work after a flood subsided. I saw the beauty of old Gangjeong when I was at the tip of the island that looked like the edge of a canoe.
I laid white cloth on dry grass of autumn along the riverside. Taking off my shoes, I walked barefoot on it. I felt the softness of the cloth and heard the dry grass rustling. The moist water beneath it was seeping through my body.
I picked up a big brush that was made by myself and soaked in ink. The ink spurted. I started drawing a line after catching my breath and regulating the rhythm of my body. A brushstroke was being made. As I made the half of it, I started thinking that the brushstroke looked like my life. The curved line was the trace that I made with my brushstroke. Suddenly, I decided to concentrate more on the line to make it straight.
The water appeared, and I thought of the end of life. At the point where the earth and river met, I ended the act of making my brushstroke and threw the brush toward river with the last bit of my energy. The path of my brushstroke spread on the cloth floating on water. As if one’s soul was about to leave his or her body, the beautiful sight of spreading ink disappeared into the flow of the river after staying on the surface for a while.
It was a scene of a cycle of creation and extinction, and that of life.
-About my performance and installation, ‘A stroke flows into the river’, done in 2012, October. 5th, 3P.M. Hyunlak Lim
© 2022 by Lim Hyun Lak